Which DAW do you use? [POLL]

No joke tried making a beat in audacity, didnt turn out well, really got frustrated with the effects and having to print everything every time you wanted to use an effect.

Hey man, sorry to drag up old shit but I was wondering where you ended up with your DAW? Im interested to hear comments from people converting to FL. I grew up with the fruits and recently tried Cubase but found it “clunky” for lack of a better word, it seemed to stand in the way of what I wanted to do.

Ive still to give Ableton the proper college try, interested in the performance aspect of but FL is catching up in that area too soo…

BTW, where did you find that photo of me for your profile pic…

What do you think of FL12 now it been out for a bit? Personally I love most if not all the improvements, especially the mixer & 4K monitor support.

They still have that damn limiter with +5dB on the master by default though, as dumb as a Bass Boost button.

1 BigUp

As far as I am aware, FL is the only DAW that supports note slides in the piano roll. No programming a macro and automating pitch. Its a shame it only works with native FL plugs for technical reasons. I wish they would update the vst spec to include this.
When FL finally takes over it may come true. :smile:

:open_mouth: Dimension Expander! :thumbsup:

1 BigUp

[quote=“Josh_Dorito, post:63, topic:1554, full:true”]
Hey man, sorry to drag up old shit but I was wondering where you ended up with your DAW?[/quote]

ended up sticking with cubase, learnt a few more keyboard shortcuts and it’s less clunky again

so you’re a dutch heroin addict?

You was right.

I have been using FL studio for 4 years. Just downloaded 12 this morning. I record instruments and vocals into it and use FabFilter’s plugins for mastering, Amplitube for guitar. Zero complaints. Maybe I’ll try ableton since it’s so popular. One day.

this polls pretty interesting. most producers I meet dont rate ableton yet its the most popular here.

back in secondary school we used to have cubase on the music PCs. proper shitty sound library, but back then me and my mates just used to make bassline tracks with super shit basses and an over abundance of gun shot noises haha.
then I got reason at home, I couldn’t understand it one bit. Allowed producing for a while, then started using FL about 4 years ago.
I love FLs step sequencer and piano roll but I didn’t fully enjoy making music till about 2 years ago when I jumped on the ableton hype.

1 BigUp

only the legit producers use music 2000


Started on Fl switched to logic 9 5 years ago never looked back.


Funny how none uses pro tools.
Not really its way expensive to get a decent pro tools set up.
I’m still surprised seeing as how it’s a recording studio standard world round.

It took them years to get their MIDI working properly, I don’t even know if it still even works very well.

But for recording, yeah it has been standard for a long time but it does take a lot of money to get a proper Pro Tools rig going.

The sequencing and midi is pretty crappy still hah

1 BigUp

yeah protools is used more by traditional bands with instruments/vocals rather than electronic music

1 BigUp

Started in the late 90’s on Cool Edit Pro. Eventually moved on to Fruity Loops in it’s early days when it was still kind of crappy, which led me on to Cubase. Finally I ended up with Logic Pro, which is as good as it gets, like many others. Logic, Pro Tools, Reason, Reaper… lots of them will get the job done with no limitations.

1 BigUp

That’s like saying get more actual stuff for ur money with reason. No matter how it looks

you’re saying FL > Logic > Cubase > Reason?

edit: and this is Ableton i think?

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