Kahn appreciation

IIRC all sector 7 plates have been sold by places like redeye, so I think we’re good lol…it’s not gonna be another rwdfwd 33.6kbs modem issue

1 BigUp

pre-orders live


lol I just wanna stream it and listen. idc about the record. where can I listen to the full tracks? mostly shimmer

1 BigUp

that’s just the clip off their mix from like 2017, been listening to it a lot. full song preferably

it’s not out yet

This is the only track Sector 7 have put up so far…I guess you won’t be able to hear the rest until end of feb when it’s released.

Yeah what the others said… there are no full clips out yet.

Another clip…

1 BigUp

received my copy today, didnt expect the full artwork, noice :ok_hand:

1 BigUp

On first listen I was not that impressed but I cranked it up nicely and yeah it’s pretty dece. Pressing is suuuuper nice, the low frequencies really come through nicely

1 BigUp

fwiw i own quite a few sector7 plates and the pressings have always been good

Yeah Look - Behind Schedule has some of the fattest grooves of any plate I own

bit quiet imo

Maybe you’re just getting deaf old man

:joy:seriously tho, I done a mix with Mansions in it the other day, levels were set on the mixer for ‘loud’ pressings and when I looked at the waveform after the Mansions track was visually lower in amplitude (audibly too) than the other tracks. Yeah I should have boosted the gain a bit for that track but wasn’t expecting it to be that much lower tbh

1 BigUp

I prefer the youtube rip version of „shimmer“ over the one they released :frown:

I have yet to receive the record so maybe I’ll change my mind soon.

Haha fair enough

I wasn’t expecting shimmer to be below 140, which is nice cause I can add it to my pile of genre switch up tunes

I agree! the version in their mix has much more nuance

1 BigUp

I’m only listening to the preview clip, but i can’t hear much difference other than radio compressor?

1 BigUp