Stuff that isn't Working/ Error thread

Yep, having the same issue as well.

Something funky is going on rn, trying to figure it out and Gats and 4ndy have gone awol it seems.

1 BigUp

Iā€™m having a similar problem and Iā€™m also getting notifications for posts that I have already seen.
Doesnā€™t really bother me so far though.

(osx 10.10.5, Chrome)

1 BigUp

I reckon 555-5555 (gsf) hacking us

1 BigUp

Only managed to log back in today!
Tried emailing the admin but Google kept saying unsuccessful or something?
Got a reply eventually doe.


Wb mate

Woooop. Finally back in. Thought I had been banned for some unknown reason :corncry:

1 BigUp

It is fixed now. The problem was in the custom top banner which shifted down the navigation panel for 50px. That caused the overlap with the reply button. I moved the banner below the header and that fixed the issue and made the order of header elements more reasonable.


Iā€™ve got a pretty random problem, not sure where itā€™s coming fromā€¦

basically, when on mobile and typing a reply, sometimes the taps register in a totally different place, almost as if the site didnā€™t take into account i have the android keyboard open

IE: when i tap the reply button it inserts a quote.
Havenā€™t had this on any other site, using Chrome 67 on Android 7.1.1


Believe Andy already flagged this, butā€¦

The email acct I registered with is no longer accessible.

Pls. pm so I can provide whatever authentication needed (Cyclopian and Johnlenham can cross-verify my irl is-ness. Phigure, Kay, other ninjas if need be. :ninja:)

Not sure if this is just me but lately thereā€™s been a couple times I get randomly logged out until I reload the page. It happened a couple times while I was trying to post a comment, I was logged in until I hit reply then I was logged out suddenly.

Could just be noscript or something tho

I canā€™t login with my smartphone, I get an incorrect user/password error. Anyone else had a similar problem?

I think you need to reset your password. There was server maintenance last week. I believe they migrated the forum to a new server.

1 BigUp

i was logged out on my laptop and it wonā€™t let me log in for some reason. I tried resetting my password but im pretty sure its still linkedd to my old email which i dont have access to anymore. is there a way to get around that?

Hi @CreamLord1 , just send me an e-mail with the old and new e-mail addresses to

just sent it over mate

The big up button is the heart again



Pretty sure the banner is smaller on mobile now too (although I think it looks better)

1 BigUp


1 BigUp

Hmmā€¦ the newest Discourse update introduced SVG icons instead of old PNGā€¦ what f* up our custom icons. Iā€™ve kinda patched it up.

1 BigUp